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Operator list

  • a . b

Object property access operator.

  • .()

Indirection operator.

  • new a

New operator createas a new object instance from the template specified by name atom.Database objects created with new are considered dynamic database objects: assigned replica id is never 0.REFERENCES is returned when template_name is of type ATOMS.

  • a = b


  • a := b

Assign into / overwrite. Equivalent to [ a ] = b

  • ()

Defines execution precedence.Function call delimiter.Switch expression delimiter.

  • | |

Const vector delimiter.

  • { }

Const list delimiter. Explicit type cast delimiter.

  • a , b

Const vector separator. Const list separator. Explicit type cast separator. Function parameter separator. Switch expression separator.

  • a ; b

Comma operator (a is executed first, the result is b) .

  • - a

Negative a.List operator.

  • a += b

Equivalent to: a = a + b List operator.

  • a -= b

Equivalent to: a = a - b List operator.

  • a *= b

Equivalent to: a = a * b List operator.

  • a /= b

Equivalent to: a = a /= b List operator.

  • a %= b

Equivalent to: a = a % b List operator.

  • a - b

Subtraction. Result is always of the same type as operand a. List operator.

  • a + b

Addition. Result is always of the same type as operand a. List operator.

  • a * b

Multiplication. Result is always of the same type as operand a. List operator.

  • a / b

Division. Result is always of the same type as operand a. List operator.

  • a % b

Modulo. Result is always of the same type as operand a. List operator.

  • len b

Length of a vector or float list. List operator for vector lists.

  • lensqr b

Square length of a vector or float list. List operator for vector lists.

  • abs a

Absolute value of a .List operator.

  • sgn a

List operator.

  • degclp a

Converts angle a to -180 .. 180 degrees range. List operator.

  • sqr a

List operator.

  • a log b
  • a pow b

  • a ** b

Vector dot multiplication (3d). List operator.

  • a dot b

Vector dot multiplication (4d or more for FLOATS) List operator for vector lists.

  • a cross b

Vector cross multiplication. List operator.

  • not a

Logical not. Result is always INTEGER 0 or 1.

  • a and b

Logical and. Result is always INTEGER 0 or 1.

  • a nand b

Logical nand. Result is always INTEGER 0 or 1.

  • a or b

Logical or. Result is always INTEGER 0 or 1.

  • a xor b

Logical xor. Result is always INTEGER 0 or 1.

  • bool a

Logical evaluation. Result is INTEGER or INTEGERS. -1 = true, 0 = false (suitable for binary operations)

  • a andf b

Evaluate a, if TRUE evaluate and return b, if FALSE return a.

  • a orf b

Evaluate a, if TRUE return a, if FALSE evaluate and return b.

  • a min b

When a is single token type: if FLOAT { a } <= FLOAT { b } : return reference to a, else: return reference to b. When a is list: return a new list c, where c[i] = a[i] min b[i].

  • a max b

When a is single token type: if FLOAT { a } >= FLOAT { b } : return reference to a, else: return reference to b. When a is list: return a new list c, where c[i] = a[i] max b[i].

  • ^ a

Remove duplicates from list. Preserves order of items.

  • a ^* b

Cross-section between lists a and b. Duplicate items as in list a will not be removed. Preserves order of items as in list a.

  • a ^- b

Remove list b from list a. Duplicate items as in list a will not be removed. Preserves order of items as in list a.

  • a ^+ b

Union of lists. All duplicate items will be removed.

  • minin list

Return index of first min element in list.

  • maxin list

Return index of first max element in list.

  • count a

Number of elements in list. When a is REFERENCE, number of properties on database object.

  • flip a

Flip/revert list.

  • a in b

Find first item in list - return index or 0. List operator.

  • a nin b

Find first non-matching item in list - return index or 0 If a is a list, index to the first item in b that does not match any item in a, is returned.

  • a scan b

Faster equivalent to ((b in a) <> 0).

  • a nscan b

Faster equivalent to ((b in a) == 0).

  • a ++ b or: a append b

Append two items/lists into a new list.

  • list[ index ]

List operator. Nul is returned when index is out of range. If index is a single token type (integer), a reference to list item is returned (ie: a[x] = ...) If index is a list (of integers), a new (remapped) list is returned. Works for vectors (only when index is single token type) 1-based indexes (a[1] == a|x, a[2] == a|y ...).

  • [ list[ index ] ]

Equivalent (but faster) to ARRAY{list}[index]

  • last list

Equivalent (but faster) to list[count list].

  • a .. b

Range: generate a list of integers { a, a +[-]1, a +[-]2, a +[-]3 ... b } Generated list contains at least one element (when a == b).

  • seq(a, cnt [, stp])
    seqi(a, cnt [, stp])
    seqf(a, cnt [, stp])
    seqv(a, cnt [, stp])

Sequence: generate a list of integers, floats, vectors: { a + n * stp } n = 0 .. cnt Generated list is empty when cnt <= 0.

  • a == b

Comparison operator, a equals b.

  • a <> b

Comparison operator, a not equal b.

  • a < b

Comparison operator, a less than b.

  • a > b

Comparison operator, a greater than b.

  • a >= b

Comparison operator, a greater or equal b.

  • a <= b

Comparison operator, a less or equal b.

  • a |type

Type of property/local variable (result is an atom, eg. ‘ATOMS’, ‘ARRAY’, ‘FLOAT’...) When the property is undefined, the result is nul (atom ‘‘).

  • a |class

Type of database/engine object

  • a |name

Template name of database/engine object

  • a |zone

The name of the zone that object instance belongs to

  • a |fullname

Template name of database/engine object, complete with zone name (zone:name)

  • a |replica

Id of database object. 0 denotes a static database object.

  • a |props

A list of object property names (list of atoms)

  • a |array

An ARRAY of pointers to all object properties.

  • a |owner

Returns REFERENCE to owner of engine object

  • a |x/y/z/w

Vector component access. List operator (returns FLOATS when a is VECTORS). When a is single token type, return reference to vector component (ie: a|x = ...)

  • a |r/g/b/a

Vector component access. List operator (returns FLOATS when a is VECTORS). When a is single token type, return reference to vector component (ie: a|r = ...) a|r == a|x a|g == a|y a|b == a|z a|a == a|w

The following operators only accept integer/float/vector/list of integers/floats/vectors. When integer/list of integers is given, a float/list of floats is returned:

  • sin a
  • cos a
  • tan a
  • deg a
  • rad a
  • exp a
  • asin a
  • acos a
  • atan a
  • sqrt a

Mathematical functions

  • TYPE[] clip(TYPE[] x, TYPE minx, TYPE maxx)

clip x to min & max

  • TYPE[] rand(TYPE[] a, TYPE[] b)

random between a .. b

  • TYPES rand(TYPE a, TYPE b, INTEGER count)

random between a .. b

  • TYPE rand(TYPE a)

random between 0 .. a

  • TYPE & rand(TYPES list)

random member of list a reference to item is returned (like [])

  • <param> rand(list, list)

a new list is generated with random selected values

  • <param> sum(vector/list/float/integer)

sum of list or vector

  • <param> mul(vector/list/float/integer)

mul of list or vector

  • <param> respace(VECTORS/FLOATS/INTEGERS)

{ a , b , c , d } → { a , a + b , a + b + c , a + b + c + d , ... }

  • FLOAT? polar(FLOATs x, FLOAT? y)


  • FLOAT? polar(VECTOR? vec)



binary and


binary nand


binary or


binary xor


binary (arithmetic) shr


binary (arithmetic) shl


binary and

  • INTEGER(S) nob(INTEGER(S) x)

binary not

  • TYPES sort(TYPES)

return a new list with sorted items


return an index list to sorted itemsa[isort(a)] is equivalent to sort(a)

geeny/home/reference/language/operators.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/18 07:38 by matija
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